Going deeper into the unspoken parts of motherhood.
MotherCircle is an 8 week class for mothers of all ages and stages who want to understand the unseen arc of their motherhood journey, move out of confusion, and into greater clarity and wisdom within a supportive community.
Are you currently in the process of recovering from your childbirth, dealing with a loss, or navigating the challenges of early motherhood, and finding yourself uncertain about the next steps to take?
Are you currently requiring a higher level of support than you've ever experienced before, yet finding that the available support resources are more limited?
Are you dedicated to embracing a new paradigm of womanhood and motherhood yet finding yourself uncertain about the specific form it should take?
“Mothering well requires community, and the mirroring and witnessing that comes with it. Without it, we are constantly depleted, taking from our own reserves to feed everyone else.” -
Kimberly Ann Johnson
This course comes from the teachings and wisdom of Kimberly Ann Johnson (author of The Fourth Trimester), whose mission is to “mend the threads of disconnection and build the world we want our children to belong to.”
Join a worldwide movement of fierce mamas who are traversing a pathway of wisdom, collectively shaping the course of generations to come.
Let’s begin to build MotherCulture together!
Where: Online via Zoom,
Inquire about an in-person/hybrid option for class 1 & 8 in Chapel Hill, North Carolina
When: January 8th - February 26th 2025,
1 session a week for 8 consecutive weeks
Time: Wednesday evenings 4:30pm (PT)/7:30pm (ET) ,
up to 75 mins.
Investment: Sliding scale
Tier 1: $99
Tier 2: $199
Tier 3: $299
It starts with US:
Mothers supporting Mothers
Who is this MotherCircle for?
All mothers with children of all ages
Grandmothers, foster mothers, and women who want to be mothers
Mothers seeking a supportive community, engaging in insightful discussions and sharing wisdom related to motherhood
Professionals involved in maternal care, such as childbirth educators, birthworkers, OBGYNs, lactation consultants, labor and delivery nurses, prenatal and postpartum yoga instructors, etc.
What will we cover together?
Entering motherhood is an underworld journey often not seen and recognized by the outer world. Learn the arc of this journey, the tools to be present to it, and be witnessed as you located yourself within it.
Birth is an initiatory experience that fundamentally changes us. We’ll explore ways to access and share this experience that locates the wisdom that it has to offer for our motherhood journeys.
Awareness of our cyclical nature can help us align with our innate wisdom as mothers. Explore how being in rhythm with the cycles in and around us gives us more access to our wholeness and our power.
There is often a split between being a mother and being sexual. Learn how to connect with your ever changing sexuality as a mother and become more at home in your body and your sexuality.
Motherhood changes how we relate to our work in the world. Explore the relationship between your worth and your value and anchor the things that nurture your worth as part of your mothering practice.
Everything a new baby needs, a new mother also needs. Learn a powerful framework for assessing your physical and emotional wellness, and how to tend to what’s needed in your body no matter where you are at in your motherhood journey.
The predator - prey dynamic is present in our experience of birth and motherhood. Explore how this awareness and understanding of your nervous system can impact your everyday life and mothering.
We have a powerful opportunity to imagine the legacy we’d like to leave. We are shaped by our motherline and the mothers around us, and we can choose what we want to carry forward. Together we’ll identify the values that we want to guide our mothering and shape our lineage.
Register for our 3rd Round of MotherCircle!
Share this with your mama friends and family if you would like someone to join you on this journey. Let’s step into greater awareness together and begin to build MotherCulture, for ourselves and for our children.
Space is limited! Register as soon as you’re ready to commit.
To learn more about MotherCircle and it’s origins visit https://mothercircle.com/