Closing of the Bones

Postpartum traditions around the world facilitate Closing of the Bones for New Mothers to support the integration phase of this rite of passage, as well as to close up all the main energy centers in the body (chakras) and the mother’s physical body. It’s known to be practiced throughout Mexico, however it has roots in other places around the world. It’s a time for New Mother’s to reconnect with themselves, while supporting the closing of whatever is needing closure in their life at that moment in time.

The process of conception, pregnancy, labor, and birth requires mothers to open to the fullest extent. In the integration time of postpartum it is necessary to close up all of our channels and our physical body so that we come back to our center, our midline, and that we begin to see ourselves as the new person that we are in motherhood.

During a Closing of the Bones Ceremony, a long piece of fabric, such as the Mexican rebozo, is used to physically, emotionally, and spiritually close up the mother. Often times practitioners will provide a gentle massage through sifting each area of the body that is being closed. After, there is a pulling and wrapping of each area with the rebozo. When the wrapping is complete there is a period of rest, oftentimes with accompanying poetry, music, drumming, or singing. 

Closing of the Bones can be given to a new mother starting on day 1 after giving birth, or anytime after. If the mother had a cesarean birth we recommend waiting at least 8 weeks and whenever the mother is feeling ready. If received only once it is very impactful around the 6 week postpartum window. However, to receive the most benefits, it will be received shortly after birth and then given several times during the first 42 days. Nevertheless, benefits are still possible multiple years postpartum, as well as for those who have experienced a miscarriage or abortion.

The Benefits of Closing of the Bones Include:

  • Supports the bones coming back to their appropriate position

  • Decreases pain and discomfort in the back, hips, and pelvis 

  • Facilitates proper positioning of pelvic organs & closes up the pelvis

  • Aids in uterine contraction

  • Calms the nervous system 

  • Relaxes and releases muscle and fascial tension 

  • Increases blood circulation, which may support milk supply and clearing out lochia

  • Allows the mother to be mothered and held

  • Honors and acknowledges the birthing process and all that the new mother has sacrificed and is going through

Postpartum Closing allows mothers to come back to their bodies after birth

Different practitioners offer this ceremony in different ways. To learn more about how we specifically facilitate our beautiful Closing of the Bones Ceremony for mothers click here.


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